Poster Design

Poster Design

A poster is any large piece of printed paper which hangs from a wall or other such surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly textual.

Posters may be used for many purposes, and they are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films), propagandists, protestors and other groups trying to communicate a message. In addition to serving the above purposes, posters are also used for decorating purposes, especially by young people.

We here at Masti Design are very creative individuals and will ensure your poster stands out from the crowd! We have wide range of experience in creating posters of a range of sizes, be it for one of events, or national organisations.

For more info, or for a quote on a poster design please contact us.

There are several elements of a good poster. An effective poster:

  • should be eye-catching
  • is functional and conveys the message required
  • be effective for the size wanted
  • displays basic design principles (space, color, form, consistency, and clarity)
  • represents the brand/company appropriately
  • For previous Poster designs, see our portfolio

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